We Are Becoming & Making Fully Devoted Disciples of Jesus.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Our family is:
Our highest aim is to please God and bring Him glory. That aim has a direct bearing on the songs we sing, the messages we share, and the manner in which we conduct the services. Though it is never our aim to offend, pleasing men should never be our goal. God is brought the greatest glory when we seek to please Him first and foremost.
No matter what else we may have, if we do not have love, we have nothing. We desire to be controlled and compelled by the love of God. Continually laying self aside, we shall seek to live for the One who died and rose again on our behalf. The priority of loving God and loving others should be consistently demonstrated with our lives and communicated with our lips.
All methods of ministry, ideas, & approaches to advancing the Kingdom must have a clear basis in Scripture. We will endeavor not only to align with the Word but also emphasize those matters that are emphasized in the Word. We focus on both knowing & obeying the Word of God. We want to have all that we do (and why & how we do it) based upon and directed by the Word.
Both in the public life of the church and in the personal life of the believers, the Holy Spirit must be given freedom to work however He pleases. He must be allowed to direct and control our meetings and our lives. We desire to allow the Spirit to control every aspect of our lives, yielding to Him moment by moment and walking in faith-filled obedience to Him.
Reaching the Lost
In keeping with the heart of the Savior, we desire to uphold the priority and importance of leading lost souls to salvation in Christ. This priority ought to be expressed in all ministries of the church as well as in the ministry of the individual members of the church. Our financial stewardship should also reflect this priority.
Our intention is to fulfill Jesus’ mandate to make devoted, obedient disciples of Him. This requires patient nurturing and instruction, loving admonishment and correction, and diligent effort to proclaim the whole counsel of God. We desire to see each member of the body continue to mature in Christ.
Ministering Saints
God intends for every member of the body to be a minister. The leaders alone are not charged with the role of doing the work of the ministry. The leaders are charged with the task of equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry.
Developing Leaders
We teach and train faithful men and women who play an active role in leading others to maturity in Christ. This occurs both formally and informally. Ultimately, those who are equipped to lead others are to be encouraged to equip future leaders as well.